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A large predominantly Neotropical family with two genera occurring in the Afrotropical region: Afrodinia and Saribia. Of these two genera the genus Afriodinia has one species represented at Semuliki. The genus Saribia contains four species, all endemic to Madagascar.

Genus Afriodinia

An Afrotropical genus containing 13 species, five with a Ugandan distribution with just one species so far recorded at Semuliki, Afriodinia neavei. A further four species (Afriodinia rogersi, A. rutherfordii, A. tantalus and A. caeca) have been recorded from the nearby Ituri Forest and targeted sampling could probably add to the one recorded species at Semuliki.

Afriodinia neavei.jpeg

Afriodinia neavei (underside, sexes similar) 

Image by Pat Bulman (original posted on inaturalist)

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